My husband likes to buy me things even when I don't want anything!! I guess that's how he likes to show me he loves me. It's his love language. He gives me gifts. We can walk into a boutique, gift shop, or big box store and he will say, "buy you something". It happened again this weekend. We traveled to a nearby town near the Fort Berthold Reservation. We stopped at a cute shop that had so many beautiful head-dresses and jewelry among other things handcrafted by the people on the reservation. Guess what I heard before we ever left the truck? You guessed it! "Buy you something"! We entered the shop and my eyes got huge! I didn't know where to look first. So many beautiful things! I walked around the entire place a few times until I heard my son say, "You better find something to buy, or he won't let you leave until you do". We both laughed.
My husband is not really a romantic per say but he can be.
I remember once when our two oldest where little. I was feeling overwhelmed. Working full-time, raising young children and being a wife is hard work! I was stressed out by all the things of life. One evening, after we had put the children to bed, my husband snuck (is that a word? Snuck?) out of the house, while I was in the shower. He went to the grocery store, bought cheesecake and a bottle of wine. When he returned, he invited me to meet him at the backyard hammock. When I walked out to our backyard I was greeted with a smile. My sweetheart of a husband had placed a pillow and a blanket in the hammock just for me! We lay in the hammock, ate cheesecake, talked and looked at the stars!
Most of the time the things he does could be considered cheesy, but that's ok! I love cheese!
For instance, on another occasion when my children were teenagers my husband called me on his way home from work and told me to walk outside and wait by our mailbox. My then 15ish year-old daughter who had heard our conversation said, "That was weird and random". I agreed but did what he said. She followed. There we are standing at the road by the mailbox when we saw Silver Bullet (that was what my husband named his then car) coming up the road. My husband had the window down blaring 80's love songs on the radio! His hand out the car window holding a bouquet of flowers. I reached for the flowers and took them; he kept going! Friends my silly husband did a drive-by!
I heard my daughter say " Oh my gosh! Y'all are crazy! I thought he bought a new car or something! That was cheesy! " I replied "I love cheese!" Cue her eye roll.
Then there was that Christmas. The one when he handed me a set of unfamiliar keys and told me "Walk outside". Oh my! My husband surprised me with a new car! I opened the car door, and a cloud of red, white and green balloons came billowing out of the car's cabin! I CRIED, you know that ugly cry!! One October Sunday afternoon that silly man took me to the closed car dealership just to walk around after a big lunch. As we were walking, he heard me say to my children "I could see myself driving a car like that". He took the next day off and without me knowing he went and bought the car! He had the dealership hide the car for two months!! Everyone in my family knew except me. I never suspected a thing! I gave him a hug and he whispered to me "I could see you driving a car like that too"!
These are all great memories and stories I like to share, not because I want you to think I am showing off, or that our marriage is perfect, or that we have it all together, because we don't! We married young and it was hard, we fought all the time! We even separated and filed for divorce once! I will tell that story another day. We argue and disagree like any other married couple, but things are different now. We learned forgiveness. Friends statistics say he and I aren't supposed to be married anymore! By sharing these stories with you I am sharing God's story. God showed us how to love one another how to seek joy and laugh even when things get tough. Today I want you to know that if God can save my marriage, He can save yours. He might even use cheese!
I hold you in my heart, because together we have shared God's blessings. Philippians 1:7
Be devoted to one another in love, Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10
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