The Desire Of His Heart

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4


Those three adorable, smiling faces you see in this picture, are my husband’s heart’s desire, mine too, of course, but this story is about him.

When my husband was still a teen in high school his father passed away.  He passed away at the age of 63 and was never able to witness his son get married or become a father. He would have been so proud, because my husband has become excellent at both! What saddened my husband was knowing that his father passed before ever experiencing what happiness grandchildren can bring to one’s heart.  While this in itself is tragic it made my husband fear that the same would happen to him.  He would fear never being able to walk Emily down the aisle. Guess what? He did! Then he feared never being able to see his little grandchildren run and laugh. Guess what? He has!!

My husband’s heart’s desire was to become a grandfather! While this may seem silly to some to my husband it was a big deal.  He wanted to witness these events more than anything! He desired them in his heart. He cried out to the Lord and remained faithful and God gave Phillip the desire of his heart. These gifts were in God’s plan for him, they were God’s plan for his life. What gifts does He have for you? What are the desires of your heart and are they within the plan He has for you; for your life?


Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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The Desire of His Heart 

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4


Those three adorable, smiling faces you see in this picture, are my husband’s heart’s desire, mine too, of course, but this story is about him.


When my husband was still a teen in high school his father passed away.  He passed away at the age of 63 and was never able to witness his son get married or become a father. He would have been so proud, because my husband has become excellent at both! What saddened my husband was knowing that his father passed before ever experiencing what happiness grandchildren can bring to one’s heart.  While this in itself is tragic it made my husband fear that the same would happen to him.  He would fear never being able to walk Emily down the aisle. Guess what? He did! Then he feared never being able to see his little grandchildren run and laugh. Guess what? He has!!


My husband’s heart’s desire was to become a grandfather! While this may seem silly to some to my husband it was a big deal.  He wanted to witness these events more than anything! He desired them in his heart. He cried out to the Lord and remained faithful and God gave Phillip the desire of his heart. These gifts were in God’s plan for him, they were God’s plan for his life. What gifts does He have for you? What are the desires of your heart and are they within the plan He has for you; for your life?


Blue Collar/White Collar 

Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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This morning during my quiet time I was reminded of something that happened over 20 years ago when my youngest son was a toddler. We can learn so much from our own lives and those around us. Sometimes these things point us right to God.

This particular morning was like any other morning. I was folding towles and my almost two year old son was sitting on the floor next to me playing with his toys. He was a little frustrated because I wasn't moving fast enough and he wanted a snack. I had already told him he could have a snack after I was done with this task. I finished folding the towels and in the 3 or 4 minutes that it took me to put those towels away my little one did something that has forever stayed with me. If you have ever had little ones around you know that 3 or 4 minutes is usually how fast these types of things happen!

My little one left his place on the floor next to his toys where he was safe and walked into the kitchen to help himself to his favorite snack. An orange. No big deal right? Let me share the rest of this story with you.

He had done the "mature" thing all 2-year-olds do and pushed a chair up against the counter. He climbed up and grabbed a knife from the knife block I kept near my stove. Not just any knife but the biggest, sharpest knife I owned! You know the one!! We all have that one knife that gives us the creeps when we see or touch it! But then!! Oh yes, there is a but then! But then he climbed down WITH THE KNIFE, pushed the chair across the kitchen floor to the counter where I kept the fruit in a fruit bowl and climbed up. WITH THE KNIFE!!! 

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw him sitting cross legged on the counter with said knife in one hand and an orange in the other. He must have seen the look on my face and the fact that it was now ghost white, because all the blood in my body had just dropped to my toes, as I imagined all the terrible things that could have gone wrong! He looked up at me with big, brown, puppy dog eyes and held these items up to me and said "takey?". He was asking for my help. I remained calm so I wouldn't frighten him and reached carefully for the knife and orange. 

Friends, when I looked at that orange it was a mess! It had so many cuts in it, stab wounds really! I looked back at my baby, and he did not even have a scratch on him! God had protected him! I thanked God for that protection.  

AND THEN I CRIED! I cried because I remembered my life. How many times have I gotten frustrated and tired of waiting on the Lord to move? How many times have I taken things into my own hands and made a mess? How many times have I taken that mess to the Lord and said "takey"? And how many times has He held out his hand, remained calm and taken that mess from me? Friends, how many times has he done the same for you? 

The Lord used a toddler and orange, to teach me about His love and forgiveness.

You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you. Hear my prayer, O LORD; listen to my cry for mercy. In the day of my trouble, I will call to you, for you will answer me. Psalm 86: 5-7


Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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This morning during my quiet time I was reminded of something that happened over 20 years ago when my youngest son was a toddler. We can learn so much from our own lives and those around us. Sometimes these things point us right to God.

This particular morning was like any other morning. I was folding towles and my almost two year old son was sitting on the floor next to me playing with his toys. He was a little frustrated because I wasn't moving fast enough and he wanted a snack. I had already told him he could have a snack after I was done with this task. I finished folding the towels and in the 3 or 4 minutes that it took me to put those towels away my little one did something that has forever stayed with me. If you have ever had little ones around you know that 3 or 4 minutes is usually how fast these types of things happen!

My little one left his place on the floor next to his toys where he was safe and walked into the kitchen to help himself to his favorite snack. An orange. No big deal right? Let me share the rest of this story with you.

He had done the "mature" thing all 2 year olds do and pushed a chair up against the counter. He climbed up and grabbed a knife from the knife block I kept near my stove. Not just any knife but the biggest, sharpest knife I owned! You know the one!! We all have that one knife that gives us the creeps when we see or touch it! But then!! Oh yes, there is a but then! But then he climbed down WITH THE KNIFE, pushed the chair across the kitchen floor to the counter where I kept the fruit in a fruit bowl and climbed up. WITH THE KNIFE!!! 

When I walked into the kitchen I saw him sitting cross legged on the counter with said knife in one hand and an orange in the other. He must have seen the look on my face and the fact that it was now ghost white, because all the blood in my body had just dropped to my toes, as I imagined all the terrible things that could have gone wrong! He looked up at me with big, brown, puppy dog eyes and held these items up to me and said "takey?". He was asking for my help. I remained calm so I wouldn't frighten him and reached carefully for the knife and orange. 

Friends, when I looked at that orange it was a mess! It had so many cuts in it, stab wounds really! I looked back at my baby and he did not even have a scratch on him! God had protected him! I thanked God for that protection.  

AND THEN I CRIED! I cried because I remembered my life. How many times have I gotten frustrated and tired of waiting on the Lord to move? How many times have I taken things into my own hands and made a mess? How many times have I taken that mess to the Lord and said "takey"? And how many times has He held out his hand, remained calm and taken that mess from me? Friends, how many times has he done the same for you? 

The Lord used a toddler and and orange, to teach me about His love and forgiveness.

You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you. Hear my prayer, O LORD; listen to my cry for mercy. In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. Psalm 86: 5-7

Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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Blue Collar/White Collar

I was visiting with my brother last weekend. As we talked about our children and how much they have grown up and all the things they have accomplished I showed him a picture of my youngest son on his first day of his career job. You may remember me sharing the picture with you as well.  I also shared with him a second picture one I haven’t yet shared with you. We laughed as we looked at the second picture.  The conversation became serious as I shared what I thought to myself when I first saw this picture. My brother asked me to share it with you.

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He wasn’t my dog; 10 years ago we adopted him from a shelter, for my husband. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him, but I did! He would follow me around and he would lay at my feet, if I was sad he was sad with me. When I got sick he showed genuine concern. If I was afraid he protected me, if I dropped something or he thought I was hurt he’d come running to make sure I was okay. He was my best friend. He died with his paw in my hand. I miss him terribly and I cry almost daily because he is gone!

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The God of Second Chances

It’s so easy to let a bad moment turn into a bad day and soon enough those bad days can convince you that you have a bad life, or that you are a bad person. We’ve all been there. At least I have. Good news, you don’t have to stay there. The bad moment will pass, the bad day will end and life will continue on with another chance to set things right. You can always start over — even if it doesn’t feel that way.So what, you've messed up we all have.   He tells us in His word to "go and sin no more". Stop practicing sin, ask for forgiveness and be sincere about it. He's a God of second chances, so when God gives you a second chance take it! Don't waste it!

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You are Perfect the way You are

To often I believe what the world says about me.  My size is too big, my face has too many wrinkles and my hair is too gray or maybe not gray enough, my lips should be bigger, my waist smaller!! Do you hear these things too? Do you believe them? In a world full of vanity it's hard not to.

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He is Exhausted

He is exhausted the King is exhausted on high, I will praise Him..." I heard those words coming from the back seat of my car one morning.  At the top of her lungs my 4 year old daughter was singing. She had a reason to praise and a song in her heart. Even if she got the words wrong who was I to stop her moment of worship?  While I wanted to correct her and let her know the words where "He is exalted...". I didn't.  I just joined her in her moment with the Lord. Singing "He is exalted the King is exalted on high..".

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His Words are Like Daggers

Has anyone ever said something to you that pierced your heart? How about you? Have you ever said something to someone that has hurt them deeply? Did you realize how much your words hurt them at that moment or did it take time and maybe you only saw their pain in hindsight? How did you feel about it?  Remember the old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me ". What a lie we have been taught! Words hurt! Words can cut deep! Words stay with you for a long, long time. I don't know about you but I immediately feel the pain in my whole body when someone utters hurtful words to me.  It's a real pain! It feels as if all the air has been knocked out of me! Can you relate? I know I have done it too. I have gotten caught up in the moment, full of emotion and said things I regret. I too have hurt people. Have you noticed this happens more often with the people we love? Why do we hurt those closest to us the most?  We seem to be more hostile towards people the we love the most and they become the target of our daily aggressions even when they don't deserve it. I love my husband and he loves me! I know that he would do whatever it takes to protect me from harm, and I would do the same for him. Yet, sometimes in the heat of the moment our words and our actions affect our ability to acknowledge our emotions, and we say hurtful things. Let me be real with you for a moment; his words cut like daggers! I am extremely sensitive to words when it comes to him. I suppose it's because he is so affectionate to me the rest of the time that when he is upset with me it feels like a punch in the stomach. I am far from innocent! When it comes to "speak first, think later." I win a blue ribbon.I sometimes say things without thinking first. I fail to realize how powerful and potentially damaging my words can be. Words can seem like a small thing, but they are dangerous and destructive.  Marriages have been destroyed because people weaponize words against each other. Words can destroy familial relationships! Sometimes it's not what we say, but how we say it. 

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Only God Can Judge Me!

Only God can judge me.  How many times have you heard people say this? How many times have you said it yourself? I’ve even seen it tattooed on bodies. While this statement is partly true and somewhat biblical, I can’t help but ask, do you really want Him too? What will he say to you when you stand before him on judgment day? Will he say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say depart from me...?

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Rescue me! Rescue me Quickly!

I woke up this morning with a song on my heart. Not just any song but a song that is loved and cherished by many. If you are like me you have to sing the song out loud and then it leads you to another song than another, soon there is a mashup of two or three songs. During my quite time as I sat with my bible open I began to sing “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone, because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living just because He lives.” As I sang this chorus the phrases “all fear is gone, I can face tomorrow, because He lives” kept echoing in the back of my mind. That chorus reminded me of another song, so than I began to hum and sing the words “when you’re down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing is going right, close your eyes and call on me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night, you just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again… all you’ve got to do is call… you’ve got a friend.” Two very different songs yet the same. When we are troubled, when the night is dark, we’ve got a friend. We don’t have to face this world alone.

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New Year New Me

New Year New Me! Year after year I hear these words. I have even used them myself on occasion. I don’t typically make New Year’s resolutions because I either forget about them by day 3 or break them by the end of January! This year I decided to take a word and make it my motto.  I chose the word PERSPECTIVE!  The dictionary definition of the word Perspective is: Perspective - a particular attitude toward something, or way of regarding something; a point of view.  How will I view the world around me? How will my perspective of things shape my actions, thoughts or emotions? How will I react to a situation? The answer is up to me. 

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