My New Season Begins

Published on 20 September 2023 at 13:44

August 12, 2023

Today Phillip and I celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary. Not on a fancy resort or on an island paradise somewhere in the Caribbean, but in a truck! A big white truck! A truck loaded with a giant toolbox full of things used by electricians, and mounds of luggage, and rubber maid tubs full of things I "might" need. We are on a long road trip (25 hrs) headed to Stanley, North Dakota population of about 2500!!
A few days ago he asked me if I was excited to go not because we were taking a trip, but because this is the first time in about 30 years I have been able to travel with him for work. This is something we have hoped for, prayed about, and talked about me doing for so many years... But, I always had my own job, littles in school, young adults in college, there was always something preventing me from going. So when he asked me that question I whispered to him with tears in my eyes, yes! He reached for my hand, held it and said me too!!
You see friends God will make a way, in His own time, in His own way. Sometimes He yanks us out of the direction in which we are moving, a situation we have placed ourselves in, a job, the comfort of our own home, etc. in order to move us in His direction.  Are we scared? Terrified!! But God...
Every year on our anniversary I share a bit of our story in hopes that it will give other couples hope and strength to continue in their marriage journey.  Today I just want to share where (in our marrige journey) we are today. Still working together, fighting for, hoping and praying that the Lord will remain the center of it all. Has our marriage been easy? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! It is one of the hardest things I have ever done,  but it is one of the best too and it has been so worth it! If you find yourself struggling,  wondering if you are where God wants you hang in there and let me pray for you. DM me if you'd like. God will make a way just like he has done and will continue to do for me and Flip. Is our story over? No. It continues with another chapter and new memories. Here's to chapter 34!!

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Janie Tijerina Galvan
a year ago

Thank you for this message. I keep praying for my marriage everyday. I have faith now, cause even though we have been married only 22 years. It's like we have been struggling for the past 2 years or so. Thank you, again for this message.