Where Have I Been

Published on 1 November 2023 at 11:01

In Loving Memory of Francisco "Franky" Velasquez

November 30, 1982 - October 20, 2023

We began our trip back home form Stanley ND last week. The trip was titled "Vacation Homeward Bound" I will share more of that trip later in a new tab titled "Life in the Ditch". But now let me explain where I have been, While I have been jotting down my stories, I decided to take the time off of putting them on my blog as this takes several hours a day to do, and I needed to spend time with family instead,

Sometime during our decent home my husband received a text that he had lost his youngest brother in a terrible tragedy.  We continued to make our way down from North Dakota to Texas, On the outskirts of Amarillo TX and a few miles outside of Plainview TX our truck had a major blowout. We were able to get the help we needed to get us back on the road (more on that later). We were not able to make it home in time to attend the viewing for my brother-in-law, but we did arrive just in time for his funeral. While funerals are a sad occasion this one also became a happy reunion, God is good isn't He friends? Francisco Velasquez lovingly known as Franky was a man full of love for people and contagious joy. This love and joy were evident even in his death. Through his death families were reunited after years of estrangement. God used Frankie to reunite families! I have shared with you how good our God is friends and here is more proof.  Franky was a man who spent his life caring for others. He cared for his mother and stayed with her until his death. She was the most important woman in his life and she along with the rest of us will miss him dearly.  I covet your prayers friends. Please pray for my mother-in-law and the rest of the family. This is a difficult time. 

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. Revelation 21:4


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