Yesterday we went on an adventure. We didn't set out for an adventure it just became one. After lunch we decided to explore the town a little bit. We made our way around town and down to the city public pond. Near the pond we noticed a street sign that read Clearwater Lake 9 miles. Now that sounds like a great idea! We proceeded to drive in the direction the arrow on the sign was pointing. We drove for a few minutes and then I, from the back seat asked how much longer? The sign said 9 miles. My son, who was driving answered "my phone says 11 miles - 20 minutes" Hmmm? How did 9 miles become 11 miles? Oh well, I guess Google maps knows where we are going. I could hear her voice telling my son where to turn and how far to go. We continued down the road, which had now become a dirt road. No big deal that happens in North Dakota. I began to wonder out loud "how do boats get down to the lake on this little dirt road". The reply I got was "they just do". That was good enough for me; I don't even know how to pull a trailer! The voice on the phone continued to say TURN HERE... we would turn only to find a sign that read PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESPASSING. Surely, we are not expected to trespass on someone's private property to get to a public lake! We would turn around and continue on the original road we were on only to be told again TAKE THE NEXT LEFT... another private road! What? No way! Now my husband had his Google maps out and said just keep going straight, I think the road curves and we end up at the lake. After about 30 minutes we find the lake! It was a nice lake I suppose. The water was in no way clear, but it was nice. There was a boat out in the middle of the lake and a family on the beach. I wonder if they had to trespass on someone's private property to get here. We also noticed that there were several RVs camping nearby. Me, from the back seat "Now how did they get those big things down here!?" No one answers. I look toward the front seat of the truck to find both of my boys studying maps on their phones and comparing them. They were looking for a better way out of the lake area. We see a big truck pulling a big RV heading out of the park. We watch the rig until all we see is the dust from the road. They must know the way in and out! After studying the maps and observing the RV we head back out. The voice on the phone begins to tell us where to turn and how long until we should arrive. My boys in the front seats don't even listen to that voice! They have studied the map and know exactly which way to go! The road was still a dirt road, but it was better maintained. And there was that RV! Right there in front of us leading the way! In about 9 miles and only 10 minutes we make it back into town. Safe and sound!
Friends, this reminded me of my walk with the Lord. So many times, I get distracted by life that I lose my way and listen to the voices of people around me who may mean well but don't exactly know which way to go either. The road gets tough and bumpy and at times it feels like I should just turn around and go back. I get discouraged! The road is hard! But the bible tells us we don't have to go at it alone. Friends the road won't always be easy, but we are told that we won't have to go alone. We must study His word, listen to His voice, ponder the direction of our footsteps and follow Him! There is a better way. Not necessarily easier, but better and you won't have to go alone!
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8
I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes. Psalm 119:59
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