Comfort zone. I was so out of mine just a few short hours ago!
Ya'll, I did something this weekend I have never, ever done before! Like I said, I was so way out of my comfort zone. What was I thinking? Why did I even agree to do this? To some it may seem trivial but to me it was a pretty big deal. What did I do, you ask?
I cleaned a house! I told you some of you would think this is no big deal, but in my defense, I have never cleaned for someone else before. Although I love a clean house cleaning is not my favorite thing to do with my time.
This was not just any house but a two-story townhouse belonging to 4 twenty something year olds to 30 something year olds! But wait!!! Not just any 20 to 30 something year olds, but four 20 to 30 something single, male, construction workers!! Four guys I didn't even know! Strangers! Y'all, I cleaned a bachelor pad!! (Insert laughing/crying emoji here!) Why is this such a big deal to me? Friends my dad raised me to be a princess, the one time he asked me to mow the front yard I cried the entire time, so he finished mowing and never asked me to do it again! When I got married my husband followed suit, he has even taught my sons to spoil me!! My husband even pays someone to clean for me! I mean I keep a clean house. I have always said it is easier to keep it clean than it is to get it clean! Let me continue my story.
Imagine four young men who are far away from home, who don't know Jesus as their personal savior, who work 6 to 7 days a week 10 to 12 hours a day; now imagine what this house looked like. Imagine the smell. When I walked in that house I wanted to cry and turn around and walk away. But I didn't. Instead, I texted my husband. He immediately called and talked me out of my escape. He kept saying "It's your good deed for today." I guess he was right. Besides "What would Jesus do?" I'm pretty sure Jesus would put on a mask and gloves and get to cleaning, so that's what I did. I also remembered what I often tell my children. He (God) called us to be His hands and feet. So, there I was overwhelmed looking around for a place to start.
I decided to start with the kitchen since it was the least untidy (I don't want to use the word dirty, because I feel like it is such a hurtful word, but it was dirty!) and I wanted to feel like I was accomplishing something! I then would tackle the 4 bedrooms and the three dreaded bathrooms. As I started to clean and throw out the filth the house began to take on a different appearance and it began to smell better, fresh even. I opened the windows and began to feel the cool breeze blowing throughout the house. What a difference, a change was happening right before my eyes!
Friends God spoke to me this weekend. He used 4 single young men who needed a helping hand with something some may find mundane, to remind me of His mercy and grace. I was also reminded of how He took my filthy sin to the cross. How He cleansed me and created in me a clean heart; one I do not have to be ashamed of. God asked me to step out of my comfort zone to remind me how much I am worth to Him. He showed me that serving others is serving Him!
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
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