Do Not be Deceived!

Published on 5 October 2023 at 16:44

For the last several weeks I have been studying the Old Testament book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was a man of prayer, he made prayer a habit.  He was a man chosen by God. to do a job. Nehemiah was called to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.  Not an easy task.  Jerusalem had enemies, this meant that Nehemiah had enemies. Nehemiah faced opposition his enemies tried to destroy and distract him.  When this didn't work, they then tried to discourage him.  Because Nehemiah was a man of prayer, he was aware of his own need. He knew this work was for God's glory and not his own. This opposition did not stop Nehemiah, yes, he was afraid, but he went to the Lord in prayer. Big bold prayers. You can find his prayer in the book of Nehemiah chapter 1. His prayers were scripture filled prayers full of adoration and confession. Nehemiah knew that God's word is powerful and that he could find strength in the word of God!  Nehemiah prayed for 4 months about how to accomplish the rebuilding of the wall. He was patient and his prayers were persistent. Nehemiah prayed and trusted God to answer and work on his behalf. Nehemiah is a great example of a man who saw a need and turned to God to provide for that need. 

Today God still calls and uses His people to do His work. No matter how mundane we feel the job we are called to do is we have an enemy just as Nehemiah did.  Our enemy is roaming the earth seeking to DESTROY the work God has sent His people to do. God gave us a mission; we have work to do for his kingdom. Friends the enemy will never be able to destroy the plan of God, so he will then try to DISTRACT God's people.  He will do whatever it takes to distract us from the task God has given us. We do not have time to be distracted, from God's work, by the enemy! When the enemy that seeks to destroy and distract you can't, he will then try to DISCOURAGE you. I don't know about you, but I'm easily discouraged. "Who am I to be able to do such a great work? " What if they don't like me!" I have to remind myself that it is God's work and not my own.

If the enemy can't destroy you, distract you or discourage you, he will then try to DECEIVE you! The enemy will use our family, our friends, our co-worker, those we look up to, social media, he will do whatever it takes to makes forget we are chosen and set apart.

This friends is where most of us are! Deceived by the enemy! God's word is our defense! Know the word and use it against the enemy. The enemy has no claim over the people of God.


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